Join Us – CEPOP All-Participants Call Today at 3:00PM!

Please join us at 3:00pm today for CEPOP’s March 2020 All-Participants teleconference, held via WebEx. Given the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, the CEPOP Steering Committee amended our standing framework to respond to the current events and understand the implications of COVID-19 on the nation’s opioid epidemic. We hope to hear from CEPOP participants around the COVID-19 impacts that each organization is dealing with along with efforts to develop a comprehensive and coordinated response. Please see the agenda for today’s call.

CEPOP All-Participants Teleconference Logistics (March 2020)
To join WebEx, please CLICK HERE.
Or, to join via conference call:
Conference Line: (855) 244-8681
Participant Code: 621 849 363

DEA Drug Takeback Day Postponed as CMS Solicits Comments on Disposal Education for Beneficiaries

As noted in last week’s Opioid Policy Report, the DEA has officially announced the postponement of the April 25th National Drug Takeback Day. At this time, there is no set date for the rescheduled takeback day.

In the interim, CEPOP is looking to advance one of the Safe Disposal and Anti-Diversion key priorities regarding at-home drug disposal and deactivation. Pursuant to Section 6103 of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, CMS is required to develop an educational toolkit for Medicare Advantage and Part D beneficiaries around prescription opioid drug disposal. As part of the CY2021 proposed final rule for MA and Part D, CMS is requesting comment, in part, on this component of the law’s implementation. The CEPOP Steering Committee has drafted the attached stakeholder sign-on letter for participant consideration, stressing the importance of evidence-based interventions and compliance with relevant DEA statute regarding the rendering of products non-retrievable for all practical purposes.

The deadline for submission to the public docket is Monday, April 6th – as such we ask that you please indicate your organization’s interest in joining this sign-on letter no later than COB on FRIDAY, APRIL 3RD. Please contact Matt Rubin with additional questions.

Articles & Resources

DEA Newsroom – National Prescription Drug Takeback Day Postponed

What We Read Last Week

Several articles were published last week pertaining to the opioid epidemic, covering a variety of different components of the issue. Links to relevant articles are provided below.

Articles & Resources

NPR Shots – Opioid Addiction is ‘A Disease of Isolation,’ So Pandemic Puts Recovery at Risk

Buzzfeed – The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Made the Opioid Epidemic Even Worse

Journal of the American Medical Association – Association of Opioids Prescribed to Family Members With Opioid Overdose Among Adolescents and Young Adults

National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine – Key Policy Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Care for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (Proceedings of a Workshop)

Drug Enforcement Administration – Hazlehurst Pharmacy, Pharmacist to Pay Up to $2.1 Million for Dispensing Thousands of Illegitimate Prescriptions

DEA Newsroom – DEA’s Response to COVID-19

U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida – CEO, CFO, President, and Owner of Sober Homes Network “Serenity Ranch Recovery” Convicted in $38 Million Fraud Scheme after Six-Week Trial

This Week’s Calendar

We hope that everyone is remaining safe and healthy during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Given the ongoing circumstances, there are no hearings or relevant events noticed at this time. Late last week, the House passed the $2-trillion Coronavirus Aide, Relief, and Economy Security (CARES) Act, promptly signed into law by President Trump. Upon passage, the House members that traveled to Washington for the procedural vote were set to return back to their districts.  In the instance that there are any changes to the schedule for this week, we will make additional information available.

Questions about the above content can be directed to [email protected].