TODAY: Join CEPOP All-Participants Meeting at 3PM Eastern with Presentations on Pharmacy Access to MOUD and The Second Chance Act
CEPOP will be hosting its April All-Participants Teleconference today at 3:00 pm ET. Today’s meeting includes presentations from Dr. Tyler Varisco Baillieu from the University of Houston, who will present research on pharmacy guidelines to promote access to buprenorphine. Addison Porter also joins us from Representative Carol Miller’s (WV) office to discuss The Second Chance Act. Please contact Sanjyot Sangodkar for meeting details.
DEA Highlights Concerning Trends in Adderall Abuse
Earlier this month the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Deputy Administrator of Diversion Control, Matthew Strait called attention to the stimulant crisis. Experts note that people who require the medication will likely not become addicted. However, there is a great deal of misuse and improper diagnosis. Mr. Strait pointed to similarities between the opioid epidemic and the developing stimulant crisis: public health concerns (pain crisis versus mental health crisis), exploitation of the internet, and increased number of manufacturers. Mr. Strait is quoted saying, “I’m not trying to be a doomsday-er here… it makes me feel like we’re at the precipice of our next drug crisis in the United States.”
Articles & Resources
Bloomberg—Adderall Abuse Risks Becoming Another Opioid Crisis, DEA Says (attached)
NABP and NCPA Seek Public Comment on Pharmacy Access to Resources and Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Guidelines
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, University of Houston College of Pharmacy, and National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) have opened their Resources for Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Guideline to public comment. The project funded by the Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts, aims to create an evidence-based consensus to advance pharmacist’s willingness to dispense buprenorphine for the OUD treatment. New experts will be brought in to identify gaps in the original version and review comments to make updates to the final guideline language. The comment period ends May 31, 2024.
Articles & Resources
NABP—The Pharmacy Access to Resources and Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Guidelines
NABP-Comment Submission
What We Read Last Week
Several articles were published last week pertaining to the opioid epidemic, covering a variety of different components of the topic. Links to relevant articles are provided below.
American Medical Association—5 keys to prevent opioid overdoses during pregnancy and postpartum
AP—More doctors can prescribe a leading addiction treatment. Why aren’t more people getting help?
Axios—The opioid epidemic and foster care system and colliding in Virginia
PharmacyTimes—FDA Approves Over-the-Counter Naloxone Nasal Spray for Opioid Overdose
Sagely Speaking with Mary Bono—Emmitt Smith
Wall Street Journal—McKinsey Under Criminal Investigation Over Opioid-Related Consulting
This Week’s Calendar
In the week ahead, there are no relevant events or hearings noticed at this time. In the event that there are any changes to the schedule for this week, we will make additional information available.
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