Department of State Launches Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats
On Friday, June 23rd, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced the creation of the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats, a new effort to convene ministerial officials to prevent the illicit manufacturing and trafficking of synthetic drugs, identify emerging trends, and support countries’ public health response. Participation in the Global Coalition is open to any country concerned by the public health and national security threat illicitly manufactured synthetic drugs poses and committed to advancing cross-country cooperation. The group will meet for the first time on July 7, 2023, and follow-up meetings will occur at the 78th Annual United Nations General Assembly and the March 2024 United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Following initial meetings, the United States will lead consultations with participating countries to establish priority actions.
Articles & Resources
U.S. Department of State – Launch of Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats
NIDA Study Finds Disparities in Medicaid Access to Opioid Treatments
A study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) suggest that there are disparities in Medicaid access to opioid treatments based on geographic location. Researchers reviewed claims from 2016-2018 related to an opioid use disorder (OUD) diagnosis, medication-assisted treatment, and OUD nonfatal overdoses. Data from 46 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico were pulled from the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System Analytical Files. The ranges outlined below are a snapshot of the variance between different states and counties, reflecting disparities in the accessibility of treatment and continuum of care for individuals with OUD using Medicaid.
- Opioid Use Disorder Diagnosis: 0.6%-9.7% of claims
- Rates of medication treatment for OUD: 17.7%-82.8%
- OUD-related overdoses: 0.3%-10.5%
Researchers did not review the contributing factors to the differences in access and concluded that additional research to better understand what influences OUD prevalence, treatment, and overdoses is needed.
Articles & Resources
JAMA Health Forum – State- and County-Level Geographic Variations in Opioid Use Disorder, Medication Treatment, and Opioid-Related Overdose Among Medicaid Enrollees
What We Read Last Week
Several articles were published last week pertaining to the opioid epidemic, covering a variety of different components of the topic. Links to relevant articles are provided below.
Axios—Oregon pharmacies are well stocked with addiction treatments
DOJ—Justice Department Announces Charges Against China-Based Chemical Manufacturing Companies and Arrests of Executives in Fentanyl Manufacturing
FDA—From Our Perspective: CDER’s Efforts to Expand Opioid Disposal Options
LA Times—San Francisco Board Member Wants to Mandate Pharmacies Carry Naloxone as Overdose Cases Grow
Neuropsychopharmacology—Overdose Mortality Rates for Opioids and Stimulant Drugs are Substantially Higher in Men than in Women: State-Level Analysis
Washington Post—White House Meets with Drug Firms on Cost of Overdose-Reversal Drugs
This Week’s Calendar
In the week ahead, there are no relevant events or hearings noticed at this time. In the event that there are any changes to the schedule for this week, we will make additional information available.
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