Source: CEPOP

This meeting featured discussion of understanding the data (scope and evolution of the opioid epidemic), addressing opioids (FDA response to challenges in public health), CEPOP successes and growth in 2018, and developing the 2019 agenda.

The CEPOP 2019 Annual Strategy Session took place Monday, January 30 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET.

Below is the agenda of the items covered and a downloadable copy of the agenda document.


I. Welcome and Meeting Goals

Facilitated by Mary Bono

II. Focus Topic Discussions – Framing the Epidemic

Faciliated by Mary Bono

A. Understanding the Data – The Scope and Evolution of the Opioid Epidemic
Michelle Putnam, MPH, Acting Lead for Policy and Partnerships, Division of Unintentional
Injury Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC

B. Addressing Opioids: The FDA Response to Challenges in Public Health
Douglas Throckmorton, MD, Deputy Center Director for Regulatory Programs, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

III. CEPOP Successes, Growth in 2018

Facilitated by Nadine Gracia & Rob Morrison

What did CEPOP accomplish in 2018?
A. Advocacy

B. Policy Initiatives

C. Briefing & External Awareness

IV. Developing a 2019 Agenda

Facilitated by General Dean

A. Building Consensus for a 2019 Workplan

i. Policy – With a shifting epidemic and evolving federal policy landscape, what areas
should CEPOP focus on in 2019 that would have the most significant impact?

  1. Moving Upstream – Rising Emphasis on Prevention Strategies
  2. Illicit Opioids – A Shifting Epidemic Calls for a Shift in Focus
  3. Implementation of the 21st Century Cures, CARA, and the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Acts
  4. Safe Disposal of Unused and Unwanted Prescription Drugs
  5. Continued Budget and Appropriations Advocacy
  6. Other policy items for consideration? Open discussion.

ii. Working Groups

How do we continue to demonstrate our expertise and knowledge with
respect to key components of the local and national response?

  1. Safe Use & Prevention – Should focus remain on accessing safer, abusedeterrent products or non-opioid alternatives? Is there an education component
    around stigma?
  2. Takeback & Anti-Diversion – Closing the loop on the pharmaceutical life cycle.
    Building upon SUPPORT Act provisions on safe disposal. Continued work on
    real-time data systems to help reduce.
  3. Are there other potential areas of focus for CEPOP in 2019? Who else should CEPOP and its Working Groups engage?

B. External Awareness and Visibility – What events and efforts should CEPOP undertake in 2019 to
continue raising organizational awareness? Are there additional opportunities to bring together
key partners to discuss research, policy, best practices, etc.?

i. Events and Convenings

  1. 2019 National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit

ii. Resources

  1. Website (
  2. Weekly Opioid Policy Report

V. Moving Forward: Setting An Agenda Into Action

Facilitated by Mary Bono

A. Next Steps – Operationalizing Today’s Discussion

B. Organizational Update

C. Conclusion

Next Monthly CEPOP All-Participants Teleconference: Monday, February  25, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST

Download the agenda.