Source: CEPOP

This meeting featured discussion of CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention Control and Epidemic Response, creating a safe needle exchange in Marion County, Indiana, the Politico-Harvard poll on American perspectives on the opioid epidemic, and Congressional opioid activity updates.

The CEPOP All-Participants Monthly Teleconference took place Monday, July 30 from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET.

Below is the agenda of the items covered and a downloadable copy of the agenda document.


I. Welcome

II. Focus Topics

A. CDC National Center for Injury Prevention Control and Epidemic Response Update
Joann Yoon Kang, Lead for Policy and Partnerships, Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, CDC
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

B. Creating a Safe Needle Exchange in Marion County, Indiana (link #1 and link #2)
Dr. Virginia Caine, Director, Marion County Public Health Department

C. Politico-Harvard Poll on American Perspectives on the Opioid Epidemic
Brianna Ehley, Health Reporter, Politico

III. Advocacy and Policy Priorities

A. Update on Congressional Opioid Activity

i. House and Senate Bills

  1. CEPOP Priorities
    a. MAT in Medicare
    b. Safe Disposal

ii. House and Senate Timeline

iii. Next Steps and Related Advocacy

B. NIH RFI on Healing Communities Initiative

IV. Working Groups

A. Takeback and Anti-Diversion

i. Safe Disposal: DEA Clearinghouse Legislation

B. Safe Use and Prevention

i. Abuse Deterrent Formulation Policy Roundtable  – Non-Therapeutic Benefits

V. Organizational Updates: Sharing Intel, Participant News and Updates

A. No August All-Participants Meeting; September Quarterly In-Person

B. Sharing Intel, Participant News and Updates

Next Quarterly In-Person All-Participants Meeting: Monday, September 17, 2017, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST

Download the agenda.