Source: CEPOP
This monthly call featured discussion of policy topics related to the fiscal year 2018 federal budget, primary prevention, safe use, CEPOP events, and related items.
The CEPOP All-Participants Monthly Teleconference took place Monday, March 27th, from 2 – 4 p.m. ET.
Below is the agenda of the items covered and a downloadable copy of the agenda document.
I. Welcome
II. Policy Topics
A. Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Priorities
i. President Trump’s Proposed Budget Blueprint
ii. CARA and 21st Century Cures Implementation
B. Primary Prevention
i. Youth Education
ii. Senator Shaheen Legislation: Student and Student Athlete Opioid Misuse Prevention Act
C. Safe Use: Access and Coverage
i. Medication Assisted Treatment
ii. Abuse-Deterrent Formulations and Non-Opioid Alternatives
A. CEPOP-BD Acute Care Opioid Safety and Diversion Prevention Roundtable
B. National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit
ii. Missouri PDMP
iii. Sharing Intel
IV. Other Items
A. National Safety Council Substance Use Cost Calculator for Employers
B. HBO Documentary on the Opioid Epidemic – Tracy Sefl
C. Participant News & Updates
D. Next Meeting: Monday April 24, 2017 at 3:00pm