Source: CEPOP

This meeting featured discussion of the Turn the Tide Act, the Final Report from HHS on Pain Management Best Practices and identifying continued barriers to accessing SUD/OUD treatment services.

The CEPOP Quarterly In-Person All-Participants Meeting took place Monday, July 29 from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET.

Below is the agenda of the items covered and a downloadable copy of the agenda document.


I. Welcome

II. Focus Topics

A. Turn the Tide Act (S. 2102) – Combatting and Preventing the Epidemic through SUPPORT
Peter Fise, Counsel, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)

B. Readout: The Final Report from HHS on Pain Management Best Practices (link)
Dr. Vanila M. Singh, Chairwoman, Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force

C. Identifying Continued Barriers to Accessing SUD/OUD Treatment Services (link)
Dr. Michael Barnett, Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard T.H. Chan
School of Public Health

III. Advocacy and Policy Priorities

A. FY2020 Appropriations

IV. Working Groups

A. Prevention

i. Survey Result Readout

B. Safe Disposal and Anti-Diversion

C. Safe Use

i. GAO Report – Patient Options for Safe and Effective Disposal of Unused Opioids C. Safe Use

i. FDA Public Hearing (September 17th) – Standards for Future Opioid Analgesic Approvals and Incentives for New Therapeutics to Treat Pain and Addiction

V. Organizational Updates: Sharing Intel, Participant News and Updates

A. Seen and Heard

B. Participant News

Next Monthly CEPOP All-Participants Teleconference: Monday, September 23,  3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST

Download the agenda.