SAMHSA Announces Launch of Initiative to Support Opioid Treatment and Recovery Services in Rural America
On March 6, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced the launch of a $50 million program dedicated to rural opioid treatment and recovery. The funding will be used to establish and expand comprehensive substance use disorder treatment and recovery programs, including access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). Rural communities have historically struggled with accessing MOUD treatments, with issues ranging from geographic isolation, transportation limitations, and few providers. HRSA’s program is intended to be a grassroots development, with more than 800 rural community leaders meeting with HRSA. Awardees can use the funds to support mobile MOUD units, integration of MOUD prescribing in primary care settings, recovery services, integrative services (food and housing support, employment opportunities), and transportation support. The average award is expected to be $750,000 annually for four years. The grant application will close on May 6, 2024.
Articles & Resources
SAMHSA—Biden-Harris Administration Announces Launch of Nearly $50 Million Initiatives to Support Opioid Treatment and Recovery Services in Rural Communities
White House Announces Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose
On March 13, the White House announced their Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose. The Challenge will engage stakeholders across the country to increase training on opioid overdose reversal medications. The program outlines commitments to train employees, customers, students on reversal medications, keep medications in first aid and emergency kits, and to provide medication to employees, customers, clients, and students. A number of organizations have already taken action and made commitments including seventeen U.S.-based airlines, professional associations, unions, school districts, etc.
Articles & Resources
White House—Biden-Harris Administration Launches the White House Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose
What We Read Last Week
Several articles were published last week pertaining to the opioid epidemic, covering a variety of different components of the topic. Links to relevant articles are provided below.
Boston Globe—Life-saving addiction treatment medicine is vastly underprescribed for youths
Fierce Healthcare—Opioid use disorder treatment retention improves with insurance coverage: study
Los Angeles Times—San Francisco ties welfare to drug-screening, boosts police powers in stunning tough-on-crime shift
New York Times—Powerful Psychedelic Gains Renewed Attention as a Treatment for Opioid Addiction
Sagely Speaking with Mary Bono—Dr. Adam Leventhal Institute for Addiction Science at USC
Sagely Speaking with Mary Bono—Dr.Drew Pinsky
STAT—The War on Recovery Part 1
STAT—The War on Recovery Part 2
This Week’s Calendar
In the week ahead, there are no relevant events or hearings noticed at this time. In the event that there are any changes to the schedule for this week, we will make additional information available.
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