Source: CEPOP

This monthly call featured discussion of policy topics including opioid addiction from the front lines, the threat of illicit fentanyl and an opioid safety roundtable.

The CEPOP All-Participants Monthly Teleconference took place Monday, September 26th, from 3 – 4 p.m. ET.

Below is the agenda of the items covered and a downloadable copy of the agenda document


I. Policy

A. Focus Topic #1: Opioid Addiction from the Front Lines
Dr. Marvin Seppala, Chief Medical Officer, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

B. Focus Topic #2: The Evolving Threat of Illicit Fentanyl
Steve Mange, Senior Policy & Strategy Counsel, North Carolina Department of Justice

C. Advocacy Items

i. FY 17 Appropriations & CARA+ Funding Letters

ii. Continuing Resolution forward

II. Working Groups

A. Take-Back and Anti-Diversion

B. Safe Use and Prevention

II. Organizational

A. Community Impact

i. CEPOP Opioid Safety Roundtable in Minnetonka, MN (September 16)

ii. Gannett Partnership

B. Participant News

i. ChoicesMatter Campaign: Pacira Pharmaceuticals

C. Upcoming CEPOP Events

i. NADDI Annual Conference (October 11-14, 2016)

ii. National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day (October 22, 2016)

D. CEPOP Salutes: Innovation and Leadership in Response to the Opioid Epidemic

Next Call: Monday, October 31, 2016, 3:00pm – 4:00pm ET